Running, Riding and Celebrating with Drunk Otis! 

It’s been a long week, Poodles. Between running my legs off, stressing about NOT riding as much as I should be with the Pan Mass Challenge a mere 26 days away and drinking like a FIEND this past weekend with Drunk Otis, I’m pretty spent. I’ve got no one to blame. I know. I totally did it to myself. 


I slacked slightly this past week. In my defense, I will say it was for a good reason. As has been the case for the past 10 years, the PMC is sneaking up on me. So instead of completing ALL of my Hansons Marathon Method approved runs,  I substituted one of my “easy” runs for a ride. There. I said it. I can not tell a lie. Christ. It’s not like I sat on my ass and guzzled delicious beers, pita chips and sriracha hummus while watching the last season of Entourage on Netflix or anything. Note: I did that AFTER my ride


Here’s how Colby’s Week in Running went: 

It’s a sign!

 Monday: 6 “easy” miles. On trails. With Drunk Otis! Before I launch into our trail run, let me state for the record that none of these miles were/are “easy.” Sure. I wasn’t running at break neck speed, but on tired legs ANY speed faster than “crawl” is fast. Cumulative fatigue is real. I will admit, it’s either getting better for me or I am becoming the David Blaine of running. Total voodoo mind trick shit right here. Pain? What pain? Who’s the endurance artist now, Blaine?!?! As for the actual run with Drunk Otis, it was EPIC. He had a blast running intervals with the local girls high school cross country team. He may have even scored a gig as their mascot. Such a ham. 

Tuesday: 7 miles. INTERVALS. Just when I think I couldn’t possibly sweat more, Tuesday rolls around and I float off of the goddamn slip and slide treadmill. 8 x 600. Plus warm up. Plus cool down. Plus an ice cold shower. 

Wednesday: Rest effen day. No words. Just laziness.  

 Thursday: 6 miles. If someone didn’t eat garbage, dead critters and/or a Mavic cycling sock (cross your paws) and was up all night out on the lawn, I would have been able to do my tempo run before work as planned. Yeah. I’m looking at YOU, Drunk Otis. Instead, I switched my tempo run to Friday and ran 6 after work. And it SUCKED. Drunk Otis is now back to himself. The sock however, is still MIA. To be continued… 

Rub my belly.

 Friday: 8 miles. The dreaded Tempo Run on my day off. It was awful. I was able to keep my target pace for 4 of the 6 tempo miles. The last two were 20 seconds slower. I couldn’t get out of my own way. My warm up mile was too fast and my cool down mile was too slow. Nothing about this run was just right. Gah. 

Saturday: 44 miles on the 4th of July! No running. Cycling! Frankly, after the tempo sufferfest, I needed a change of pace. My Other Half and I had a great ride. It’s our 4th of July Tradition. I love it. And of course we cruised down Liberty St. #murica  



Photobombed by Mater.

 Sunday: 10 miles. Gorgeous day. Great run. Nailed my pace. The ride did me good. Legs were tuckered, but the day was so beautiful I didn’t even notice. Until I stopped. And plopped myself poolside with a fresh, delicious mojito and ate like it was my job. Drunk Otis even spent the day rolling around in his kiddie pool, totally nonplussed by the fireworks. That was until he peed in it. Then shamefully flipped it over, mortified.  



Total miles run: 37. 

Total miles ridden: 44

Total number of mojitos consumed: 4

Do you stick to your training program like glue or do you mix it up from time to time? What’s your favorite poolside drink? Does your dog pee in kiddie pools, or is it just mine? 

18 thoughts on “Running, Riding and Celebrating with Drunk Otis! 

  1. Far too type-A to allow any flexibility in my life… haha. But I do rearrange my miles sometimes, but I always feel compelled to check off each specific workout every week. Best poolside drink – vodka soda and lime. Can’t get enough.

  2. I’m OCD about my training. I make an excel spreadsheet and color code each workout after it’s completed. I know. FREAK! If I cheat and cut a workout short, for whatever reason, I punish myself with a big red box. I. Am. Sick. And. Need. Therapy. NOW.

  3. What time of mile pace were you doing on the various days and the pace on the 600 meter intervals? I have been there drinking and feeling it. I had a team that I ran with we would get hammered and go to a club all night the day before finals at big meets. Sometimes your body gets used to it and it doesn’t effect you, then it kicks you in the ass out of nowhere. LOL

  4. Nice week! I still don’t own a bike..I’m def type A and need a schedule! Routine! A plan! Having said that, I’m also a full-time working mom…so I’m flexible and also have learned to listen to my body’s cues so I may mix it up if needed. Our boxer just pees in others’ bushes. -_- LOL! My fav drink is a mango martini. Had it on our honeymoon in Antigua! Soooooo many pool side options there… 😉

    • I bow down to full-time working Moms! YOU ARE A BEAST! Drink ALL THE MANGO MARTINIS for that one alone! And I love boxers. Adore them. My friend has one and he is so ridiculous. I can’t stop squeezing his face every time I see him. 🙂

  5. Nice week! I still don’t own a bike…I’m def type A and need a schedule! Routine! A plan! Having said that, I’m also a full-time working mom…so I’m flexible and also have learned to listen to my body’s cues so I may mix it up if needed. Our boxer just pees in others’ bushes. -_- LOL! My fav drink is a mango martini. Had it on our honeymoon in Antigua! Soooooo many pool side options there… 😉

  6. Yeah, sure, “the dawg” peed in the kiddie pool. Right. Most people just blame the dogs for farts. For shame, Colbs.

    Funny stuff, per uge. Had more than a few chuckles. One question doe, how do you get your teeth so white?!?!

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